StratTech Overview
In 2019, StratTech became a part of The George Towne Group and broadened its focus to include healthcare, pharma, biotech, nutraceuticals, and FMCG manufacturing. Each of these sectors deploys disinfection equipment and processes.
StratTech helps healthcare, organizations, and facilities of all types to evaluate, select, acquire, and integrate the right equipment into their daily disinfection efforts, provide the requisite client return on investment (ROI), and attain targeted optimal results.
As a part of healthcare and other industry’s disinfection and operations, StratTech uses many processes and management improvement tools, including:
- Lean Six Sigma
- Operational strategy development and implementation
- Continuous Process Improvement
- Lean Production
- Value Stream Mapping
- The Toyota Production System, which is the basis of the Virginia Mason Production System (VMPS)
- Operations decision support, including modeling and simulation
- CapEx and leasing analysis and funding provision for disinfection equipment
- Advisory and design services for the acquisition, development, and implementation of high-tech disinfection and related equipment.
Founder’s Bio
Dr. Bruce Ellis earned a Ph.D. in Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering from the University of Cambridge, England, an M.S. in Management (M.B.A.) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a B.S. in Biology with high honors from the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Dr. Ellis served as a senior research associate and project manager with the University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing, where he conducted A&D manufacturing and industry research. Concurrently, he was a principal research investigator and senior research scientist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute’s Aerospace, Transportation & Advanced Systems Laboratory. He brings over 20 years of global experience in business and operations strategy development, process improvement, assessment, implementation, modeling, and simulation.